Geeki Tikis March Madness! New Tikis Launch 3/1!



Aloha! We are the team who makes all the cool stuff you’ve never seen anywhere else. Founded by Brandon Giraldez, a veteran in the Toy Industry, Beeline Creative has created thousands of unique, fun and functional products that are guaranteed to liven up your bookshelves and bar tops.

Constantly working to uncover the next big idea, Brandon and the team hit on their ever-popular brand, Geeki Tikis®, back in 2016 and launched for the first time with Star Wars product on May the 4th. A never-before-seen mash-up of two beloved genres, tiki and pop culture, Geeki Tikis® is a ground-breaking concept that has grown to include over 250 licensed properties and hundreds of clever, colorful and collectible mugs, infusing key elements from tiki culture as well as the fandoms they are honoring.

What started out as a team of one and a great idea, has grown into a collaborative team of fun, spirited creatives who continue to reinvent the wheel and breathe new life into the Toy and Consumer Products industries.

We are thrilled that you found us and look forward to continuing to deliver product that will surprise and delight.
